Art de Garatge (T1)
First independent low-cost participation in Andorra. Here the first season.
Chapter 6 - Com en les bones pel·lis
Chapter 7 - Passat, present i futur
Direction, Editing and Sound: Daniel Arellano Mesina. Script: Jonathan Fernández. Original idea by: Daniel Arellano Messina and Jonathan Fernández. Joana: Mireia Guilella. Salvador: Joel Plan. Iker: Bernat Bauzà. Jon: Sergi Molné. Lola: Judith Puig. Luis: Nil Letters. Oh. Director: Cora Gonzalez Otero. Photographs: Pol Escalé. Art co-direction: Mónica Armengol and Roger Mas. Makeup: Ariadna Mendez, Daniela Moreira and Sandra Rivas. Music: Alex & The Failords, Alexia Verdaguer, Alejandro Martinez, Marc Farran, Guillermo Gallego. Mastering: Pere Revert. Sound Assistant: Clara Uroz. Web (2012): Juan Àvalos.
With the sponsorship of: MoraBanc Club Jove, Town Halls of the Parishes of Canillo, Encamp, Ordino, La Massana, Andorra la Vella, Sant Julià de Lòria, Escaldes Engordany. Production: SOMHI Teatro. With the support of the Andorra la Vella Theatre school, Andorra la Vella Town Hall communal car park, Aixovall Professional Training Center, Andorra la Vella Youth Department, Mira Audiovisual, Dandream films factory, ATV - Andorra Television, Kiosk la Massana, Baustore la Bauhaus Concept Store, Alpha Beer, Foto Mágico Photographic Laboratories, SHO Asian res - Angelo group, Rental Objectives, VSA Communication, Polytechnic University
Art de Garatge (T1) © 2011-2012